All around the world, people are gearing up for Earth Day. Started in 1970, this designated day of April 22 has become an annual reminder of our responsibility to be good stewards of the Earth. 
You have plethora of benefits of planting the trees, from health to environmental impact, to economics and even psychological effects.
The trees are extremely important and have always been needed for developing the human condition and lifestyle.
Green color is a relaxing color, it helps you to be calm and recover from strain quickly.
Planting & maintaining trees helps lower energy costs, reduce pollution, surroundings improves with green ambience and also increases the value of your property.
Trees are big, bold and beautiful.
Trees supply oxygen:
Why is oxygen importance to us? Oxygen is life. I hope, you understand what importance of oxygen is for survival. The only resource of Oxygen is tree. Oxygen for 18 people can be provided in one year by an acre of mature trees.
Trees purifies air:
Trees helps in eliminating pollutant gases such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides etc. and provide us with fresh air. They offer fresh air which is the basic need for any life to survive. You should not neglect that the clean air reduces the chances of increasing diseases from polluted air.
Trees provide shades:
Trees cool the streets and the cities by their shade and evaporation from the leaf surface cool the city further by up to 10°F. Hence they are called the natural air conditioners.
Trees enhances lifestyles:
Trees helps in improving health as they strongly encourage people to go to parks or in green environment for walking, exercising, jogging or biking which helps them reduce obesity and keeps them fit.
Increases property value:
Homes with more trees or having green ambience in surroundings tend to have higher property value than those without trees, because it decreases pollution and have fresh air around which attracts people more.
Trees protect ozone layer:
Planted in the right places around buildings, trees can significantly reduce air-conditioning costs. This means less Freon, an inflammable and odorless chemical emitted from air conditioners. It is considered to have damaging effects to the ozone layer.

Trees are shields to UV rays:
Ultraviolet rays are very harmful for anyone and can cause the most common form of cancer i.e. skin cancer. Trees help in protecting from ultra-violet rays as they reduce UV-B exposure by about 50%.
Trees provide energy and nutrition:
Trees provide food for human beings and also for birds and wildlife. You can plant fruit trees like an apple tree which does not take much space and can be easily planted on the tiniest urban lot. It yields up to 15-20 bushels per year.
Trees are platform for better healing:
According to studies, people with green ambience out their windows heal faster and with less difficulty or complications. So planting trees around or outside your house can not only help you prevent from visiting doctors more often but also heals you naturally.

As already descried the importance of trees and benefits of trees, there are also numeral of the benefits of the trees except mention above.
You should participate in Plant our Trees campaigns to “Save Trees to Save Earth”.
Save trees to reduce global warming, reduce the carbon footprint and pollution as well as a clean environment.