Not just men, women too
suffer from hair loss. While men may lose hair in a different pattern, women
mostly complain of decreasing density of hair, of parting showing through
increasingly, receding hair line or of a bald patch. It is important to realise
the real reason of your hair fall to be able to treat it in the right manner.
Depending on how serious the damage is, an appropriate solution can be found.
We list 10 common reasons for hair loss in females.
Bad hair etiquette: Excessive use of hair styling tools like
strengtheners and curling iron or hair products like gels, mousse, sprays,
colours, etc can damage the hair shaft and prolonged usage can hamper its
this condition, male hormones or androgen are secreted in excess and they
form small fluid-like sacs in the ovaries which are known as cysts. It is
due to hormonal imbalances in your body which negatively affects your hair
growth as well. While you may notice more hair growth on your body, it can
trigger hair fall from your scalp
Anaemia: Anaemia
is a result of low iron intake in one’s diet. Many women may be anaemic due to
heavy menstruation or inadequate folic acid in their body. This results in low
production of haemoglobin which means less oxygen to your organs. When oxygen
does not reach your hair follicles, they tend to be weak and break easily. This
results in hair fall.
Menopause: A
lot of changes take place in a woman’s body once she hits menopause and one of
them can be hair fall. This is because estrogen hormone levels are low and the
body. They can make the hair dry and also cause hair loss if due care isn’t
taken. It is essential to use mild shampoos and condition your mane as well as
eat right.
Labour: Many
women experience hair fall after their delivery. This is because, during
pregnancy, there is a peak in the hormone estrogen so you can expect a full
head of hair. But once the baby is delivered, hormones go back to their normal
phase which may result in hair falling out at once. But this is a temporary
phase and hair growth returns to normal after a few weeks.
Protein deficiency: Our hair is made of a protein called keratin. When we do not eat
protein-rich foods, it depletes from our body making the hair brittle. This
leads to weak strands which fall prematurely.
Medications: Women
who are on birth-control pills can have side-effects like hair fall if they
abruptly stop using them. Other hormonal pills and therapies can have a similar
effect. Chemotherapy sessions also result in hair loss. (Read:Hair loss medications you can use)
Extreme weight loss: Crash dieting and losing a lot of weight suddenly or too quickly
can adversely affect the growth of your hair. This is because, usually these
diets deprive your body of essential nutrients or put a ban on eating certain
food groups which then impact your hair growth.
Medical illnesses like thyroid disease, autoimmune
Thyroid is responsible
for secreting triodothyronine and thyroxine hormones which are needed for
proper growth and development of our body. When a person suffers from hypo or
hyperthyroidism, there is excess or low secretion of these hormones which can
lead to deficiencies if not treated on time. Hair loss is one of the
complications due to various changes taking place in your body. In autoimmune
disease, our body creates antibodies against our own cells and tissues. They
attack hair as well as other organs resulting in hair loss. (Read: Home remedies for hair loss that actually work!)
Any acute or chronic medical conditions: Conditions like diabetes psoriasis are also
responsible for loss of hair. Diabetes negatively affects the body’s
circulatory system. This means that less amount of nutrients and oxygen reach
the upper and the lower extremities of the body i.e. the feet and the scalp
areas. If diabetes is causing poor blood circulation to the scalp, the hair
follicles will die resulting in hair loss. Psoriasis is a skin disease which
also affects the scalp and hair follicles.
While shedding of 60-100
strands every day is the norm, anything more than that over a period of time
can cause hair loss. If you notice this, it is best to get yourself checked for
any underlying condition which could be causing your hair fall.
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