The most common disorder faced today by people is the digestive disorder but to understand the causes of digestive disorders it is important to understand first what our digestive system is. Digestive system is basically the system of organs which initiate in getting food into and out of the body and helps to keep the body, maintain healthy balance.

Digestive disorders somewhat refrain our digestive system to maintain that diet and makes it unhealthy and difficult to digest food. There are many types of digestive disorders and their symptoms variably differ from one another depending upon the problem in general.

The symptoms through which you can generalize a disease of digestive disorder are various like stress, poor diet, drugs, genetics, antibiotics etc. The problem could be major if proper treatment and measures not taken by a patient at the right time. 

When to consult a medical professional?
 - When you get the sensation of food caught in your chest or throat.
 - When you have bloody or black stools.
 - When you vomit blood.
 - When you face difficulty in swallowing or have pain in swallowing food.
These problems should be taken very seriously and proper medical adherence should be undertaken.