Many people may not be aware of Cholesterol and its functionalities in our body. But our enlightenment Cholesterol is the waxy, fat like substance which is required by our body to make hormones and substances which help in digesting food but the increase in level of this cholesterol can also cause coronary heart diseases.
There are few tips which can help you to maintain your Cholesterol level in the body.

  • Add heart-healthy food- It is very important for us to segregate saturated and Trans fat from our daily diet. Saturated fat includes meat; dairy products which create healthy Cholesterol in our body. Tran’s fats are the food like cookies, snacks, junk food which increases the risk of heart attacks. Also include food rich in Omega-3 Fatty acids and protein.

  • Physical Exercise: Exercise daily can improve the level of your Cholesterol. This activity can help in raising your high-density lipoprotein Cholesterol or in simple terms Good Cholesterol.

  • Quit Smoking: Research says that if your quit smoking your risk of heart disease is half within a year. Yes it’s absolutely true. So quit smoking and increase the chances of getting a healthier heart and increase in the level of good Cholesterol.