In a year million people die as a result of smoking tobacco.

On May 5 of this year, the FDA now has the authority to oversee the manufacturing, sales and marketing of all tobacco products including e-cigarettes, cigars and hookah. This is a major step in the right direction toward protecting our youth, and future generations from harmful tobacco products.

It’s a great victory for public health.

World No Tobacco Day is the perfect time to take action and help protect kids from tobacco.


Be Tobacco Free:

World No Tobacco Day helps urging smokers to quit and by providing the tools and information they need to go tobacco-free for good!!

Help smokers quit smoking through Helpline and In-person group sessions.

Guide the first months by helping to identify triggers and manage the urge to smoke, until you are well on your way to smoke free success.

You can enhance your quit attempt by tracking your progress through daily check-ins and invite your friends and family to join as supporters, so they can help keep you on track and offer support and motivation throughout your quit.


Health Effects:

Smoking and use of tobacco products, including cigars and smokeless tobacco, cause or worsen numerous diseases and conditions.


What's in a Cigarette?

Arsenic, lead, tar— these are just few of more than 7,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke.

There are about 600 ingredients in cigarettes and more than 7,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke. Many of these chemicals are poisonous and at least 69 of them cause cancer. The truth is one cigarette probably has more chemicals than all the stuff you keep in your garage.

Let's take a look:

Ammonia is one of the most commonly produced but you probably know it best as a household cleaner—the kind that you wear gloves around and avoids breathing in.


Arsenic is notorious for its use in rat poison. It's also one of the World Health Organization's 10 chemicals of major public health concern, along with two other ingredients on this list, benzene and cadmium.

Benzene is found in glues and adhesives—such as rubber cement—as well as car fumes and gasoline exhaust. But according to National Cancer Institute, cigarette smoking accounts for about half of the total population exposure to this cancer-causing chemical.

Butane is highly flammable and often used as fuel for lighters.

Cadmium is an active component in battery acid. Cadmium itself is classified as a human carcinogen, and smokers have about twice as much of it in their bodies as do non-smokers.

Carbon monoxide, a deadly, colorless, odorless and poisonous gas, is released in car exhaust fumes as well as from a burning cigarette.

Hexamine is found in barbecue lighter fluid.

Naphthalene is an ingredient in mothballs, which are basically small balls of pesticide. Naphthalene turns directly from a solid into a toxic vapor, which in the case of mothballs kills insects and may repel animals.

Nicotine is the infamous addictive substance in tobacco products. But did you know it's also used as insecticide because of its toxicity?

Tar is black and sticky material for paving roads. In cigarettes, it's the solid, sticky substance that remains after tobacco is burned, both in the ashtray and inside your lungs.

Toluene is used to manufacture paint and it's also found in gasoline. Exposure to toluene may affect the central nervous system.

This is the short list. Learn more about what's in a cigarette and the health effects of smoking, as well as how you can quit smoking with proven and effective methods.


  • Summer is a season where extreme environmental factors prevail: the sun can take a toll on our skin. In this blog you will find all the information you need to keep your skin in good shape for summer.
  • Summer means we will just naturally be in the sun more often.
  • Several of the symptoms that we chalk up to aging are actually caused by sun’s UV light.
  • UV radiation damages the fibers in our skin (called collagen and elastin) causing sagging, stretching and wrinkles.
  • Repeated sun exposure causes cancer and fair-skinned people are at the greatest risk.
  • Both are harmful and either can cause damage to the skin.
  • UVA rays are mostly responsible for premature aging and UVB rays are the ones that burn, potentially leading to permanent damage over time.
  • Whenever you start protecting yourself from the sun, you will stop the process of additional damage and start to reverse, to some extent, what you've already accumulated.
  • If you burn 10 minutes into sun exposure, SPF 30 would give you 300 minutes or 5 hour worth of protection.
Steps to Note:
  • Atmosphere characteristics: high temperature, humidity, intense UV radiation, dryness caused by air conditioning.
  • Skin Issues: oily skin (greater sebum secretion), acne breakouts, dark spots and freckles (sun damage), dry/dehydrated skin.
  • Remedies:
  • Keep your skin well moisturized.
  • Summer calls for lighter, fast penetrating, antioxidant-rich moisturizers that lock in moisture and prevent Trans epidermal Water Loss.
  • Sunscreen!! Sunscreen!! Sunscreen!!
  • A healthy appearance of the skin throughout the summer is dependent upon sun protection.
  • To minimize UV rays-related damage, you should seek shelter during the peak hours (from 10 am to 4 pm).
  • Wear a broad-brimmed hat and sunglasses to protect the delicate skin of your face as well as your eyes.
  • Always use broad-spectrum sunscreens that provide a minimum >SPF 20 (or higher if the skin is very fair).
  • Do not skip on sunscreen; make sure you cover your entire body (including your lips).
  • Apply Sunscreen at least 3o minutes before going outdoors.
  • Reapply it every 2 hours, after swimming or sweating profusely.
Always remember…
  • The best protection from the sun is not being in it.
  • Please be sure to visit your dermatologist annually, if you’re prone to beauty marks, moles and freckles.
  • Be sure to wear sunscreen every day, even when it’s cloudy out.
  • Sun damage isn't only skin-deep. UV radiation alters the actual DNA of your skin cells, causing lines, wrinkles, discoloration, and even cancer.


HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (HVAD) is observed annually on May 18th.
This observance provides an opportunity to recognize and thank the many volunteers, community members, health professionals, and scientists who are working together to find a safe and effective preventive HIV vaccine. It is also a day to educate communities across the nation about the importance of preventive HIV vaccine research.
On May 18th, “Be committed to ending the AIDS epidemic, and that means finding an HIV vaccine.

The HIV/AIDS crisis is not over.
More than 33 MILLION people WORLDWIDE are living with HIV.
More than 20 MILLION LIVES have been lost due to HIV/AIDS related illness.

Vaccines played an important part in the elimination of diseases like diphtheria, smallpox, and paralytic polio. Also it helped to dramatically reduce several other diseases.
It helps your body learn how to fight off a virus, such as HIV.
A preventive HIV vaccine would protect HIV-negative people from being infected with or getting sick from HIV.

There is NO cure for AIDS.
Preventive HIV vaccine could help save millions of lives and billions of dollars of treatment costs.
Safe, effective and affordable vaccines that can prevent HIV are the best hope for controlling and ending the AIDS epidemic.
Need for HIV vaccine remains urgent.
Most infected people will need to stay on treatment for the rest of their lives. But treatment just slows down the disease as there is no cure. We cannot stop the HIV/AIDS epidemic with care and treatment alone.

The preventive HIV vaccines tested in people do not use weakened or dead versions of HIV.
Instead, HIV vaccines contain genes or proteins that look like those found in the real virus.
They do not have all the parts of the HIV virus needed to cause infection. The vaccines cannot give people HIV.

Lower sexual risk for HIV when one partner is HIV+
Substance Abuse/Use
Pregnancy & Childbirth
Blood Transfusions/Organ Donation
Using Condoms and VCF at the same time can reduce your chances of getting HIV/AIDS.

Prevention is essential.


International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world every May 12, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth.
The IND theme for 2016 is:
Nurses: A Force for Change: Improving health systems' resilience.
Dr. Sumaya Mohammad Al Beloushi, director of nursing at the Ministry of Health and Prevention said:
“Currently, out of the 4,800 nurses in the Ministry of Health and Prevention Hospitals across the country, only 334 are Emirati. Totally, across all health care sectors in the UAE, about 1,000 Emirati nurses from both genders are employed”.
Celebrate the diversity to people in the occupation of nursing. Bear in mind that there are nurses from different social and cultural backgrounds plays a crucial role in conveying medicinal services.
Talk to people (patients, clients and partners) about International Nurses Day 2016 and the positive work of medical caretakers.
7 Ways Nurses Can Treat Their Feet Right:
Feet literally carry you through life, bear your weight and take you places.
If you are nurse, you are constantly on your feet, from eight hours to sixteen-hour shifts.  The importance of the feet cannot be over-stated. Despite their importance, the feet are often neglected. So what can you do to treat your feet right?

Baths and Pedicure:

Always wash your feet when you shower, and be sure to give them a good scrub.
Bathe your feet with Epsom salt or other organic bath salts for an extra enjoyable bath.
Mix few drops of organic lavender essential oil for a relaxing scent that also fights foot fungus.
After washing your feet, trim and file your toenails regularly. Good care of your feet prevents in-grown toenails. In-grown toenails are extremely painful. Effective foot care routine that you turn to a regular habit will leave you with gorgeous feet.

Foot Massage:

Take a step further and you have reflexology: foot massage geared toward relieving certain ailments in the body.
The principle of foot reflexology is a map for the entire body.
One part of the foot corresponds to a body part, such as the edge of the foot connects via nerve endings to the spine. If you massage certain areas, you can sometimes trigger healing of a body part.
Massage the arch of the right foot to target your liver and aid in detoxification.

Foot Cream

Combine coconut oil with a few drops of peppermint oil. The peppermint and coconut oils are antibacterial and anti-fungal and help to combat foot odor. They leave the feet feeling silky, moisturized and refreshed.

Rest Your Feet

Give your feet a nice foot bath, massage your feet.
This will help blood flow and circulation to your feet that will soothe them and help prevent soreness.


Spray magnesium right on your feet and legs. Prevents soreness and soothes your muscles. It’s an overlooked part of foot care that you should incorporate into daily routine.

Intensive Care

Calluses are completely common among nurses because they walk constantly.
Painful and unsightly though, a foot bath in Epsom salt is effective.
Scrub at the calluses with a pumice stone. Rinse your feet in apple cider vinegar. Repeat the process.
At night, apply a foot crème consisting of peppermint oil and coconut oil to the affected area. Cover the area with a bandage. Your calluses will be gone in days if you repeat this process regularly.

Never neglect your feet:

Feet are among the most important parts of the body. Like the roots of a tree, they support us, and we should repay them with tender care. Make foot care a part of your daily beauty routine and be sure to get plenty of rest for your feet. Massage your feet often, whether at home or work.
Join the celebration of International Nurse Day (IND) and care for the caretakers…!!!!


Come together for IMMUNOLOGICAL AND NEUROLOGICAL health on May 12th 2016.
May 12th has been designated as International Awareness Day for Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases (CIND) since 1992.
The CIND illnesses include Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Fibromyalgia (FM), Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).
May 12th was chosen as it is the birthday of Florence Nightingale. She was believed to have suffered from ME/CFS.
What do fibromyalgia,  Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) have in common?
The answer is that they are classified as Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases (CINDs). And since 1992, every May 12th has been recognized as International Awareness Day for CINDs. Today, in conjunction with Fibromyalgia Awareness Month, it’s time to recognize everyone living with a CIND.

While fibromyalgia and ME/CFS are both CINDs, each is a little different.
Check out some quick facts about each condition:


Affects 5 million Americans over the age of 18, and the majority are women.
The cause of fibromyalgia is unknown
Common symptoms include insomnia, headaches, pain and tingling in the hands and feet


Affects between 836,000 to 2.5 million Americans
The large majority of people living with ME/CFS have not been diagnosed

There are five main symptoms of ME/CFS, as opposed to the more general symptoms of fibromyalgia:

·         Profound fatigue that impairs carrying out normal daily activities
·         Un-refreshing sleep
·         Cognitive impairment
·         Symptoms that worsen when a person stands up
·         Symptoms that worsen after exerting any type (emotional, physical) effort.

Does not have active medical condition to explain the chronic fatigue, nor any psychosis, melancholic depression, substance abuse, dementia, or anorexia nervosa/bulimia.
·         CFS: Who are the patients?
·         Age: mid 30’s (5-65)
·         Sex: 65% female
·         Socioeconomic: Middle-class, but more common among African-American/Latino minority populations on population –based surveys.
·         Education: 50% college graduates in office-based
·         Severity: 50% intermittently bedridden/shut-in
·         Duration: 14 years (4-36years) in patients.

Severe fatigue that persists or relapses for >6months, of new or definite onset, not substantially alleviated by rest, resulting in substantial reduction in activities:

And 4 or more of the following symptoms are currently present for >6 months.
             Impaired memory/concentration
             Sore throat
             Multi-joint pain
             Un-refreshing sleep
             Neck/axillary adenopathy.
             Muscle pain
             New headaches
             Post-exertion malaise

Sudden onset:

In 78% of our patients, the CNS started suddenly, usually with a “flu”, “virus” and “bad cold”.

·         Sore throat
·         Cough
·         Rhinorrhea
·         Swollen glands
·         Myalgia
·         Fever
·         Headache
·         Diarrhea

Post-exertion malaise 

After even modest exertion:

·         Fatigue gets much worse - 81%

·         All muscles become weak- 47%

·         New/worse difficulty concentrating- 50%

·         New/worse sore throat- 33%

·         New/worse adenopathy - 28%

·         New/worse fevers- 23%

·         Never had before CFS- 71%